Thursday, May 10, 2012

Before and after kids...

Before kids...I wondered what I did with my time.
After kids...I really wonder what I did with my time back then and spend days trying to squeeze 25 hours of time in a 24 hour day.

Before kids...I would make trips to the grocery store alone and come home with a checked off list.
After kids...I rarely go alone and come home wondering where I left my list.

Before kids...I would stand in line at the store and wonder why the mother in front of me was not controlling her screaming 3 year old.
After kids...I realize that it could be me standing in line with a screaming three year old and realize just how quickly a three year old can lose it!

Before kids...I would stay up late watching television or playing on the computer.
After kids...By 9pm I want to go to bed, but quickly realize I have another hours worth of work to get done. Which do I pick...laundry, dishes, cleaning, watering plants, picking up and the list goes on :-)

Before kids...I loved several reality TV shoes.
After kids...I am pretty sure with a husband that is often gone for the guard, a three year old and 3+ month old, full time job, and household duties, I star in my OWN reality show. :-)

Before kids...I loved my "me" time.
After kids...I love my individual time with each of my kids.

Before kids...I thought I knew what it was to love someone.
After kids...I know what it is to love someone unconditionally and even more each day.

I may sometimes have a crazy life, but it's our life. Before it may have made me a little nervous that I could not handle it, but after, I know with God as my guide, I not only can handle it, but can make it pretty darn special and fun!