Monday, February 14, 2011

What we LOVE about our SOPHIA!

In honor of Valentine's Day, I decided to post just a few of the things that make parenthood so AWESOME!

The Top Ten Things Kris and I Love about our Princess Sophia

10. Winging (aka swinging) and Singing The Wheels on Bus, Muffin Man and B-I-N-G-O all at the same time and watching her sing along.

9. Hearing her say "My Do It" and realizing we have the best little helper who wants nothing more than to be by our side helping us each step of the way.

8. Baking and making a complete mess in the kitchen, but loving every minute of it! Those types of messes mean we have had fun and spent quality time together!

7. Laying in bed next to her watching her peacefully sleep while we dream about her future.

6. Playing with her toys (building, cooking, reading, jumping) brings us back to our childhood days and makes us want to create the same great experiences and memories we had while growing up for her!

5. Saturday morning taco dates. (She loves her breakfast tacos and it has become our ritual. She even tells them what she wants on it and then normally consumes the entire thing.)

4. Watching her excitement grow as she prepares to "feed" the animals....whether we are feeding ducks, turkeys, puppies, kitties, cows, fish, etc. she takes pride in her ability to take care of her animal friends!

3. When she reaches towards you with arms wide open to give you the biggest hug in the world!

2. The way she says her name ("Phia") and smiles when she says it. She even has started adding her last name at times and so it sounds like "Phia Barlels." Way too cute!

1. When she tells us "I Love You Mommy" or "I Love You Daddy." There is no greater feeling in the world than the random I Love You's that come from a two year old! They make everything better!
I could go on and on, but I'll save the rest for a future post!
Happy Valentine's Day 2011!

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