Sophia could not wait. For two weeks, we promised her that she was going to be able to take dad's little dog, Wrangler, down to the Fair Pet Show. She was so excited that nearly every morning when she would get up, she would ask me, "Is the pet show today? Is it Saturday already?" We practiced a little but I was not sure that once we got down there amongst all of the people and pets, she would still have the same interest.

Checking out Dawson and Hailey's Chickens and Rabbit!

Wrangler and Sophia had matching cow outfits :-)
Thanks BonBon and Mrs. Terry Boeker for making Wranglers!

In the "Show Arena" trying to get Wrangler to follow!
Well, Saturday finally came and she has never gotten dressed in the morning so easily. She wanted her boots on from the moment she got out of bed. It was our little cowgirls first competition at the Fair and she did great! She was a little hesitant when she saw the crowd, but quickly became very protective of Wrangler when she realized other dogs were getting close!
We entered her in the Smallest Dog Category and she WON 1ST PLACE! To top it off, she even won the Showmanship in her class and so it was another round for the showmanship championship after all of the class winners were chosen! Sophia and Wrangler went home with a trophy, a couple of ribbons and some other great prizes. What a fun time!
She was so excited to have so many people there watching her and cheering her on! Thanks to all of you that came out to support her! All in all, it was a great experience and we left with one happy little girl! And that's all that mattered....