Each day that passes, I try to do a little bit to help us prepare for our new baby in February. I think Sophia has caught on to my preparation. In the corner of the "baby's room," I have a pile of Sophia's unisex baby stuff that I have separated out, along with a few new things and hand me downs. One of Sophia's latest activities is to sift through the pile and pull out what "her baby" needs for that particular evening.
She loves to dress her baby doll, change its diaper, and give it a pacifier. Even though the room looks like a disaster when she finishes her baby duties and reassembles the entire stack of stuff, it still makes us smile. Her interest in her baby brother seems to be growing daily.
Lately, she loves to lay beside me at night and read a story before bed. Our storytime ends with a hug and kiss for us and then she rolls over to give her baby brother a kiss on my tummy. It really is one of the cutest and sweetest things!