Saturday, October 8, 2011

Tough Mudder

There is no doubt I could not have done it, but there was also no doubt that Kris could. The Tough Mudder is a 12 mile trek through mud, water, cliffs, walls, stacks of hay, electrical currents, and so on. Most would laugh at the thought of completing such a feat, but when you are married to someone who loves physically challenging himself, you expect him to compete.

And that he did. I knew he would be excited to a part of it and Sophia and I were thrilled to be spectators. Well, I was thrilled to be a spectator. Sophia would have rather been in the thing herself. She kept asking me if she could run through the muddy waters, climb on the obstacles, etc. Let's just hope she gets her athletic abilities from her daddy :-)

We are very proud of Kris. Even after 12 miles he was still doing push ups! It was at that point that even Sophia said "Daddy's crazy!"

Kris is swimming through the muddy waters at the Finish Line.

In the distance, you can see one of the many big cliffs to jump from and then you must swim through a muddy pond!

Push ups (just for fun)...The announcer at the end challenged these three to see what they still had left in them. Kris started with a white shirt and in this picture you can see there is nothing white about the shirt at the Finish Line!

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