Monday, August 29, 2011

Fun weekend

I probably had a thousand things I could have done this weekend! From cleaning, washing, sorting, packing for our Kansas trip etc., there were countless things that could have made our "To Do" list while daddy was out of town. Instead Sophia and I dropped everything and just had FUN! Here's a brief rundown of the "cool things" that kept us busy!

Hobby Horse rides Friday night at Fireman's Park in Brenham!

Silly face with mommy.

Drinking out of her new "Soccer" cup at Denny's!

Fun in Houston shopping with Mommy!

Hailey and Sophia at Wyatt's 3rd Birthday! We then celebrated Hailey's bday on Sunday at the Aquatic Center. I can't believe how fast they are growing!

Love those kiddos! :-)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

We have been blessed....TWICE!

Sophia will not only become a Big Sister in the coming months, but she was also have another cousin to play with! This week when my brother, Brandon and sister in law, Emily returned home from St. Kitts, they shared the news with us that they are expecting. And not only are they expecting, but we are due within a week of each other!

We are thrilled for them and know that they will be great parents! It is a very exciting time in the Schulte family.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

We will begin our Big Sister practice with...

We will begin our Big Sister practice with...A DOG. A couple of weeks ago, we volunteered to let Sophia watch Wrangler for my parents for a week while they were gone to St. Kitts.. Wrangler is the minature chiuaua that my dad proudly calls his "cow dog!" Apparently, Sophia has taken her commitment to grandpa very seriously. The first thing I hear in the morning is "Hurry mom we need to let Wrangler out" or in the evening "Mom, Wrangler needs to eat dinner and get his treat if he cleans his plate!"

She literally does not want to let go of Wrangler if she is awake. It drives me CRAZY. However, I know how fond of the little pint sized dog she is and can only hope this will carry over to her baby sister or brother. I am sure Sophia will be sad to see Wrangler go back home, but Wrangler will probably welcome the freedom!

Until then here is a picture of our house guest after Sophia went to bed the other night.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The life of a 2+ year old becoming a sister

Not sure how interesting this will be to the general public, BUT I am determined to chronicle our life better through this blog so here it goes...

Tonight Sophia and I were sitting in the living room talking about some things Big Sisters get to do. She seemed genuinely interested in learning more about her role and I felt like we were having a serious conversation (at least when it comes to conversations with a 2+ year old). After MANY questions, she seemed content and became distracted with a puzzle.

Nearly ten minutes later, she came back to me and said "Momma I want to kiss the baby in your belly." It was the first time she has personally acknowledged her baby sister/brother with such affection. I smiled, she smiled and she gently kissed my belly. At that point, Klaus (our dog) came over to us and Sophia looked at him and said, "Klaus you cannot be a Big Brother. You do not have any hands to hold the baby like I do. You do not have lips like me to kiss the baby like I do. And Klaus you bark too much and cannot be quiet like me when the baby is sleeping."

And there it was....she may have related it to a dog, BUT the important thing is she remembered some of the things we talked about. We are going to get this Big Sister thing down one toddler step at a time!

As for the picture below, I guess all of the serious conversation caused her to have a headache. She told me she had a headache and amazingly a princess bandaid can cure a headache within seconds! Oh the joys of being a mommy:-)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Baby Update...

As my pregnancy moves on to the second trimester this week, I thought it would be a good time to update everyone on the baby. On August 2, I had my second doctor's appointment. The plan was to simply check the heartbeat using the doppler, BUT once again we have a very active baby on our hands and it makes it tough to get a good reading. So, we all opted for another ultrasound and everything looked great! It's an awesome feeling to see a little baby kicking and growing inside of you.

With the end of the second trimester, I have also had less sickness. When it comes to this pregnancy, it was never just morning sickness. For nearly a month, it lasted all day long. Not fun, but I already know how worth it the sickness will be in a few short months! So no complaining from me...

I have also been feeling the baby move occasionally. Some days I feel movement all day long, where other ones are quieter. I can't wait for those little legs to get longer/stronger so Kris and Sophia will be able to feel it from the outside.

And drum roll please, the question everyone keeps asking us, "Are you going to find out the sex?" After some discussion, "Yes!" We weighed both options, but I am the type of person that wants to have clothes washed and hung up for the first six months (especially if it's a girl and it means getting the many boxes of Sophia's clothes sorted). With Kris's Guard schedule, the more I can have done before hand the more time I will have with my two children! So in late September/ early October, we will find out! We are thinking about letting Sophia go with us so that she is a part of this exciting ultrasound!

As for Sophia, she is beginning to catch on. She knows that she is going to have a baby brother or sister, but you can definitely tell that she is not sure how her role will change. This fall we are going to practice hard with a "Big Sister Boot Camp." We will have lots of caring for a baby doll, while still showering her with kisses and "I Love You's." With a little practice (and patience) she will be a great Big Sister!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Time Marches On

I'm not going to lie, I shed a tear (or two) as I walked out of First Baptist last week. Chalk it up to me just being oversensitive at times or even pregnancy hormones, but when I walked into drop Sophia off they told me to make sure I picked up her "school packet." School packet...what? You mean the little 7 lb 3 oz baby we brought home just a little over two and half years ago will now be in a structured pre-school class? Where's the button to stop time when you need it?

Deep down, I am excited, but I have already told Kris he needs to stock up on the kleenex in a few years when I get the "kindergarten packet." It's SO hard to believe how fast time has gone! This year we will learn colors, numbers, work on fine and gross motor skills, etc... Believe me I read through the packet to make sure we knew what "our" expectations would be for the coming year!

And Thursday, we will "Meet The Teacher." Thankfully, I can rest a little easier knowing she will be with many of her summer friends that she has made! Well, that is if I get through the fact that I no longer will walk into school hand in hand with my baby, but be required to drop her off in the car line and wave good bye....maybe I should just add a box of kleenex to our school supplies list this year!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


That's right! The plan is to welcome our new little bundle of joy into this world sometime in February. My "official" due date is February 22, 2012. However, my doctor has said our goal will be anytime in February.

"Unplanned, but a miracle and blessing from God." Recently, I drove by a church where the billboard read, "If God is your co-pilot, switch seats!"
God is in complete control of our life and we have definitely embraced it after the gift of a positive home pregnancy test that we were not expecting. Surprised...well, that would be an understatemnt, but we know we are blessed beyond reason and we pray each day for a healthy, happy, baby sibbling for our little Phia!

We could not be more excited...boy or really does not matter at all. This baby has already captured our love and the fall and holidays will be that much more fun with the anticipation of his/her arrival.

And as for Sophia, well, I have learned through this that 2 1/2 year olds can be good at putting context clues together. I walked in to her class at school one morning and her teacher questioned me about why she kept telling everyone that she and mommy had babies in their tummies. Funny thing is we had not directly told her anything, but indirectly I am sure she heard conversations with others. She is happy about it and I know her world is going to change. However, I cannot help but look forward to her growing up with a sibbling to love!

And I promise to keep the updates coming more frequently now that the "secret" is out!