Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The life of a 2+ year old becoming a sister

Not sure how interesting this will be to the general public, BUT I am determined to chronicle our life better through this blog so here it goes...

Tonight Sophia and I were sitting in the living room talking about some things Big Sisters get to do. She seemed genuinely interested in learning more about her role and I felt like we were having a serious conversation (at least when it comes to conversations with a 2+ year old). After MANY questions, she seemed content and became distracted with a puzzle.

Nearly ten minutes later, she came back to me and said "Momma I want to kiss the baby in your belly." It was the first time she has personally acknowledged her baby sister/brother with such affection. I smiled, she smiled and she gently kissed my belly. At that point, Klaus (our dog) came over to us and Sophia looked at him and said, "Klaus you cannot be a Big Brother. You do not have any hands to hold the baby like I do. You do not have lips like me to kiss the baby like I do. And Klaus you bark too much and cannot be quiet like me when the baby is sleeping."

And there it was....she may have related it to a dog, BUT the important thing is she remembered some of the things we talked about. We are going to get this Big Sister thing down one toddler step at a time!

As for the picture below, I guess all of the serious conversation caused her to have a headache. She told me she had a headache and amazingly a princess bandaid can cure a headache within seconds! Oh the joys of being a mommy:-)

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