Tuesday, August 2, 2011


That's right! The plan is to welcome our new little bundle of joy into this world sometime in February. My "official" due date is February 22, 2012. However, my doctor has said our goal will be anytime in February.

"Unplanned, but a miracle and blessing from God." Recently, I drove by a church where the billboard read, "If God is your co-pilot, switch seats!"
God is in complete control of our life and we have definitely embraced it after the gift of a positive home pregnancy test that we were not expecting. Surprised...well, that would be an understatemnt, but we know we are blessed beyond reason and we pray each day for a healthy, happy, baby sibbling for our little Phia!

We could not be more excited...boy or girl...it really does not matter at all. This baby has already captured our love and the fall and holidays will be that much more fun with the anticipation of his/her arrival.

And as for Sophia, well, I have learned through this that 2 1/2 year olds can be good at putting context clues together. I walked in to her class at school one morning and her teacher questioned me about why she kept telling everyone that she and mommy had babies in their tummies. Funny thing is we had not directly told her anything, but indirectly I am sure she heard conversations with others. She is happy about it and I know her world is going to change. However, I cannot help but look forward to her growing up with a sibbling to love!

And I promise to keep the updates coming more frequently now that the "secret" is out!

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